by Geno Quiroz | Nov 12, 2014
Icon fonts are awesome because you can easily manipulate them just as you can font using CSS. The amazing Divi theme comes pre-packaged with a few but in this article, we show you how you can add over 479 icon fonts to your library with ease.
by Geno Quiroz | Oct 28, 2014
On a few of my Divi projects, I wanted the logo to align all the way to the left of the screen and the main menu to sit all the way to the right of the screen. Although there are several ways to manipulate this using CSS, there is an easier alternative. Make a simple adjustment in the header.php file. See how.
by Geno Quiroz | Oct 17, 2014
When starting your own freelancing business, it can be overwhelming trying to remember so many different tax schedules, accounting schedules, web maintenance schedules, payroll deadlines and more. Especially if you provide services to multiple clients on a daily basis. In this article we share some great ways and tools to help you master the art of managing multiple tasks for multiple clients.
by Geno Quiroz | Oct 17, 2014
The Pricing Table Module that comes with Divi is simply awesome. It does the work we would normally download a plug-in for. But WordPress developers know that less plug-ins make for a better performing and secure website. And there are so many ways to customize the pricing table using some custom CSS, that you really don’t need to consider the plug-in anymore.
by Geno Quiroz | Oct 10, 2014
The Subscribe Module that comes with Divi is great as it is. But the current trend is to have the subscribe option as a call to action above the fold on the landing page and sometimes a horizontal subscribe section just fits best with your site. So here are a few tweaks I came up with so that you wont have to install another plug-in for this simple trick.