by Geno Quiroz | May 11, 2016
Site Loading Speed is an integral part of the web design process and even more important when it comes to SEO. Jessica Knapp share her secrets to optimizing your WordPress website for optimal load times and speed.
by Geno Quiroz | Sep 21, 2015
Blogging can be a very important part of your SEO, branding, marketing and client building. “10 Maxims of Successful Blogging” by Mark Schaefer put together this great infographic to help you have a successful blog of your own.
by Geno Quiroz | Feb 11, 2014
Are your Search Engine rankings slowly creeping down the list, or worse yet, a few pages deep? Although there are many evolving factors to great search engine rankings, here are a few reasons (with fairly simple fixes) that might help.
by Geno Quiroz | Jan 25, 2014
Ok, this sounds like an article for techies only right? I mean after all, who cares about what the difference is between a Mobile Website and a Responsive Web Design right? But the truth is, if you have a website or even if you don’t have a website but you run/manage a business, you really ought to know the difference. Here’s why…